Meet Allison Terrell, Music Therapist
Allison received her Bachelor of Music Therapy and Master of Music Therapy from Shenandoah University, where she occasionally teaches as an assistant adjunct professor in the music therapy department. In 2021, she started Attune Music Therapy, a private music therapy practice in Winchester, through which she serves individuals and groups of all ages and abilities in and around the surrounding area. In 2022, Allison started the first music therapy program at Winchester Medical Center, where she provides music therapy at bedside to patients and their families. Allison also supervises and trains music therapy students through her work at the hospital and in private practice. Her music therapy research on identity formation in adolescents was published in the peer-reviewed music therapy journal, Music Therapy Perspectives in 2019. More recently, she worked on a community music therapy research project, investigating the impacts of therapeutic songwriting on adults experiencing homelessness and the surrounding community.