Employees for your business

As an employer, you need workers who can get the job done. The adults with disabilities we serve, whether in an individual role in your company or in a group setting, have the skills to meet your company’s needs.

A man with thick gray hair and glasses is shown. He is in the midst of folding boxes at Trex. He is wearing safety goggles, a mask and utility gloves.

Photo Courtesy of Trex

How it works

  • Most of the individuals we serve begin their work with Vocational Rehabilitation Specialists (also known as Job Coaches) in either a group supported work environment with up to 8 individuals, or one-on-one with a Job Coach. These individuals work on site at your location, and may be paid through NW Works initially with most moving to employment with your company. NW Works provides the Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist at no charge to you through support through Workforce development funding and is available to provide support until the employee is capable of working independently to your satisfaction.

  • Interested in hearing more about how NW Works can help your company? Click the button below to complete our online form and request the services of the dedicated individuals we assist to work for you. You can also contact our team at info@nwworks.com to discuss larger-scale projects with NW Works.

Why Hire People with Disabilities?

An older woman in a beige shirt with dark hair stands while folding a pizza box.
An older woman stands in front of a row of pizza boxes at her job. She is wearing a tan coat and has glasses on.

Photo from Roma’s

Hiring people with disabilities brings a number of benefits, from added diversity in your workplace to government incentives. According to a study by The Institute for Corporate Productivity, individuals with developmental disabilities contributed to higher productivity rates, increased customer loyalty, and lower absenteeism.

To learn more, check out the resources at the Department of Labor’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month website.