NW Works in Profile: Laura Bancroft

Laura Bancroft

Meet Laura! Laura serves as a Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist (VRS), or job coach, for individuals receiving employment services through NW Works. As a VRS, Laura serves as a support for individuals at their place of employment and encourages them to advocate for themselves, increase their skills & confidence, and maximize their independence as they work in the community.  

Prior to working at NW Works, Laura worked for Shenandoah Valley Community Residences; an organization that oversees multiple group homes in our region. As a group home staff member, Laura built relationships with the individuals in her care and was introduced to NW Works by many of the people she interacted with daily. As a Winchester native, Laura was always aware of NW Works and the general services the organization provided to adults with disabilities in the Northern Shenandoah Valley, but she wasn’t aware of the scope of services NW Works provided. After seeing the impact firsthand that NW Works was having on many individuals through her time at the group home, Laura knew she wanted to pursue a career with NW Works and make an impact.  

Laura & others in the Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist role contribute to NW Works’ mission through their support of individuals pursuing employment. As a VRS, Laura shared that she has been most prideful of the relationships she’s witnessed growing between employees and their employers as well as between NW Works and our business partners. In addition to assisting with the development of positive working relationships between employer and employee, and serving as a support system for team members, Laura has been a witness to the growth of many clients and their increase in skills & confidence.  

 It’s no surprise that Laura has witnessed growth in the people served by NW Works due to her tenure at NW Works. Laura has been with the organization for 4 years! During her time at NW Works, Laura has watched many individuals solidify and grow their career path, with many unlocking passions through their work. When Laura explains to people what she does at NW Works, many folks have similar reactions and appreciate the impact Laura makes through her role. Having her role appreciated by community members marks a key point for Laura, as she remarked “It’s all about our community understanding the need for disability services and the value of working with disabled and non-disabled individuals in integrated settings”. While Laura didn’t choose her role for the appreciation, she takes it as a reminder that her role and others within our organization go beyond being ‘just a job’. For many individuals and their loved ones, receiving job coaching services has made a difference in their employment journey.  

Outside of her role as a job coach, Laura enjoys spending time outdoors and with her boyfriend, Scott, especially in the summer when they can kayak, go fishing, camping, or hunt for shark teeth at Fossil Beach. Laura is also a fan of horror films and enjoys watching these scary stories with her pug, Poppy! 


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